Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8

Not much to say tonight. I didn't even get to talk with Dan today. I called there early this morning and tried to reach the Social Worker. She wasn't in today and the receptionist didn't know anything about how Dan was doing. I thought I'd get a chance to call later in the day, but not so today.

I did call Bobbi Hackworth, the Social Worker at the Poc. VA. She called back around 5:30 but I was at the Pharmacy. She left an encouraging message on my phone as asked me to call her in the morning. I'll try again then. I'm still not real sure what Dan will need when he comes home. He's making progress everyday so who knows how he'll be in a couple of weeks.

An OT friend of mine from work was telling me about a tub bench that is used for a regular tub. It might be something Dan could use, saving remodeling the bathroom right now. It needs to be done, but not yet. She also had some other ideas to explore.

I know he's going to need someone around who can help him but again, how much? I don't know.

I miss talking to him but it's really too late for me to call now. I guess I'll just have to wait till morning. I've got to call Beth Starr back in the morning anyway. Maybe then I'll get to talk to him.

Until then, I'll just go to bed!


  1. Sandy,
    Just want you to know that we continue to remember you & Dan in our prayers.
    Hugs and more hugs,

  2. Thank you so much Nancy. I'm sure it's the prayers from so many wonderful people that has brought Dan back to us. Now really, how do you say "Thank you" for that? Enjoying your hugs and more hugs! Love, Sandy
